Aug 11, 2005 23:43
My job sucks.
I think that I will proposition the dropping of three days off of my schedule, so that I only work two days a week. Fuck currency. I am reminded of the fucking disgust I feel everyday, when I see the utter gross over consumption of the mass populace. I don't hate saying that I feel superior to all of those car-driving, money-throwing, over-consuming capitalists. I do hate saying that I am but a hypocrit because of it. I use money, too. I drink a little too much, too (overconsumption) - what is the point in that!? I have completely phased out the car, although if I keep up my current work schedule, I may break and have to get a car... the bike ride is really killing me and my life. I don't want to be broken because of money. I will quit those days as soon as possible, and try to just work wednesdays and thursdays. I really like this job because of reasons I would rather not publish.
There's this girl who owes me 500 dollars here at my home, Chelsea. She's with Brad Brewer (x-pink flamingoes, x-D.J.J.). Two people I just don't want to see. They're listening to really bad music from all spectrums - bad everything-core, bad ska, bad poppunk, you name it. Isolation headphones are worth the extra thirty dollars in situations such as these. I really wish that my brother didn't know those two people, and that Kat would just come back from karaoke so that we can play UNO and fall asleep together.
Two days ago (tuesday), I was doing the ride to work from my house, and I got two flats on the way. TWO. The first one was downtown, and that was OK - although I did get two ant bites because of where it happened, that still itch. The second one was at St. Andrews & I-26, right after the overpass. It made me very angry, and I threw a temper tantrum (and my bicycle), messing up the back wheel rather badly, to where it rubbed each rear brake pad when I rode the next three miles out - pissing me off even more. The ride home was just awful, but I managed to true the wheel enough with a wrench at work to make it rideable, and to make it no longer rub. Bicycles are still better than cars. I have spent about as much time fixing my bicycle as people spend at the pumps; but I don't spend money. Not a damn dime. Need an innertube? dumpsters a damn bicycle shop! they throw out tubes by the bag full, and they will only have one tiny VERY patchable hole in them! Need a tire? Chances are that you don't really need a tire, but you can do the same thing, and they can be patched as well.
Bicycles and the people who use them are very intelligent, I must say so myself.
People keep calling me skinny. I am not exactly vain, but I really don't think that I am skinny enough to comment on. Besides, humans have this tendency to point out things that are just too obvious (see: hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by douglas adams) like: the weather. I am very aware of the condition of the atmosphere, asshole - thanks a lot for pointing it out to me. People should just shut the fuck up, and see what's really there: Humanity, not weather.
We are the cellphone brothers, we only talk to others. - fuck you, customer with a cellphone, disregarding my actual existence. I have stopped taking orders from people on the phone - they have to get off of the telephone, or eat somewhere else. Fuck them if they can't get off the telephone to talk to me! I love being an asshole to assholes.
I am also reading nietzsche (if you read ben legrand's lj), and have been comparing my entire life to Human, All-too-human. And, to summarize all four parts of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Fuck-a-god. God is for the dumb and blind.
I have to say, I am surprised at how much I really like Bikini Kill.
I am stoked to say that I am getting in on a band that asa and dave are taking seriously. I am sorry to say that I won't be interested in shark week any more because of it, though. JESUS CHRIST! BILY IDOL just came on... I did NOT download that. GODDAMMIT KAT! ........something something something mony mony.....the something something something mony... don't stop now, come on mony... come on now... yeah yeah yeah ....