Jul 27, 2010 09:33
As I made my way home via Center Avenue, a car tailgated me through the particularly bumpy downhill section. This isn't unusual; the insane buckling of the pavement along a certain stretch throws me up out of the scooter seat a few inches, so I always take it slow.
Partway through, I impulsively decided to pull over in front of a parked car to let the tailgater pass. Obviously, they were in a hurry, and frankly they were making me nervous. So I quickly swerved over and braked.
As they sped past, the passenger leaned out and screamed "use your f#!%ing turn signal, you a&*hole!"
I don't hate this person (they were probably having an awful day or something) but it does illustrate a point about doing favors. People often bemoan that doing "Good" goes unrewarded, as though doing anything for reward wasn't just another way to be self-serving. On the contrary, people will often hate you for your attempts to do something to help them. I see this in politics frequently.