I... know

Feb 20, 2006 18:09

Say it like it is, Love: the scent, not an expression.

toothpaste gel and barefeet on the corking glass, what would it be without you>. all these medleys and rhythms never make sense when there's not a flame to strike matches igniting yellow cards and red foul outs with a single pound of the ball or a ducat perhaps and this untimely latch of Big Ben's arm will slow down to a crawl with scribbles of urban pulse racing racing racing vroom revving engines wait for the checkered flag's swoop of white net and it's the final quarter of a half, no a third, nay eighteenth black tide of garter below the knees and crimson sixteen above the belt, couldn't you make up your mind?

random likes no loves the lack of punctuation and the burst of the bullet alarmed by the doorknob colliding with penetrated wood. click, he locked it.
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