Сб, 14:08: RT @ JanDilsAttorney: The process to be approved for #SSDI after becoming disabled can often take so long your bills will pile up. http:/ ...
Сб, 14:11: RT @ TheGoatlyChew: No matter what it is Corporate News is going to find a way of blaming Obama, poor people, & anyone who doesn't make o ...
Сб, 14:11: RT @ MarisaOConnor: I remember learning that the right to peaceful protest was a pretty important part of being a U.S. citizen. #disillus ...
Сб, 14:12: RT @ Margoandhow: This is really not good. The targets? Students sitting peacefully w arms interlocked heavily pepper-sprayed. http://t ...
Сб, 14:12: RT @ SenatorSanders: The US spends about 4 dollars on goods & services from China for every dollar that China spends on goods & services ...
Сб, 14:56: RT @ hardknoxfirst: I got teargassed at 14 years old protesting Vietnam. I'll get teargassed at 56 protesting greed, injustice & police b ...
Сб, 14:56: RT @ Margoandhow: The problem with Mitt destroying top staff emails from his governorship (& wiping the server) is the question: what did ...
Сб, 14:57: Today dburr is cooking his famous pulled pork for a bday party tomorrow. The challenge: not eating any of it today!