Feb 12, 2008 19:50
I know I should be doing something productive - just not sure what. i am in such a work mode for the past 4 weeks it's rediculous. grad school is kicking my ass. the classes aren't hard - at least not yet- it's just time is impossible to come by. you have to meet with everyone all the time it seems like. ok. not really. however i have 3 supervisors for 2 clients and a diagnostic team. I have to meet with them each week, plus meet with my diagnostic partner to talk about this and i have a partner for another client. and i'm supposed to put in 15 hours of work and i'm supposed to do all of the paperwork etc. like plan of care's and therapy reports and IEPs and UUUUUUUUUUUUGH. tonight i'm slacking and that's bad. i know i have things i should be doing - i just. don't. freaking want. to! i am just exhausted every night by the time i get home. it literally is a full time job and then some - it's especiallly sucky b/c i don't get paid for any of it (well besides the 15 horus of assistantship which rocks!) if you go to grad. school do an assistnatship! it's the best money ever. if you have time that is. ok i didn't mean to come on here and just complain. i am just rediculously busy - as expected. i know this semester will fucking FLY by. allelujiah. then it's off to summer school. ah well - one thing at a time.
things are going well, and I"m having alot of fun -w hich is awesome. i love the other grad. students. and I really enjoy my clients this semester. well, at least one of them - the other is a handful and a half. and my diagnostic team we see new kids each week -but that's fun too. it's not too shabby. so at least i enjoy it. i have a few super boring classes - but otherwise those are bad either, i guess.
i don't really do anything besides school stuff. so i guess i dont' have much else to say. i hope this cold goes away! damn - i do not want to get my next electricity bill, yikes, it's goonna be a doozie. i guess that's all i have to say. i have assisstantship work to do and it's looming over my head and i can't focus until i get some of that done. time to go back to work!