Apr 13, 2006 17:45
1. I have a big: test tomorrow.
2. I wish I was: complete
3. I am so tired of: this shit
4. I hate: being like this
5. I was: born.
6. My boss is: an ass
7. This weather is: miserable
8. My friends are: away, and busy.
9. I like to: SLEEP, I'd LIKE to sleep
10. This morning I woke up: Pissed off
11. I am very: emotional
12. My bed is really: hard and gross and uncomfortable
13. My car is: blue and dirty from being parked in lot W-06 with all the damn pollen infested trees
14. My mom said that I should: never procreate
15. Myspace is for: ......... I am so not enamored with this place that nothing even comes to mind
16. When I get home: I'm going to wish everyone would shut up, that we coudl all takea vow of silence and just not talk to each other, and then probably wish I were back in Athens
17. My phone is: somewhere...
18. When I am in a bad mood: I turn lethargic
19. My room is: small, cramped, ugly, dirty
20. I want to get: a kitten
21. I wish I had: a kitten, a vintage print dress from the 50's, a cameo ring, curly hair, good skin, the ability to magically misplace 30lb of my person
22. My Computer is: a piece of crap
23. This weekend: is going to be really long..
24. When I get drunk: I cannot feel my tongue
25. I want people to: be quite and not procreate
26. The last time I watched a movie was: today
27. I wish it was: christmas forever
28. I'm feeling: depressed