To-do list of things before I die:
- Learn german, and improve french
- Learn how to swim properly
- Learn how to use a sword
- Travel to London
- Live on another country for a while
- Perform on stage, preferably drumming
- Go to at least 5 decent gigs of groups I love (see? I’m not asking MUCH)
- Go to one historical gig
- Learn how to play a melodica
- Travel all around Europe
- Left everything aside and go for a non-controlled day- week-end - month - year adventure
- Get a tattoo without regretting it, that means something for me.
- Perform a musical in my living room (lol)
- Make the perfect present
And finally I have ever wanted one day to feel so happy, so full and pleased, that I feel prepared to die, when I won’t care anymore because I have LIVED the life and tasted it all.