Feb 09, 2005 06:00
think I am decidely pissed, having only just left the club down the road. Just walked into the pillar in the boys room and I think you'll find that I am now sporting a rather nice facial deformation. Tonight I kissed a hot guy from southhampton who I will never ever see again... but he was yummy. I cry. Its so late I also want to cry but havign gone into my room I realised I couldn't find my contact lense cas enad thus I shal;l be blind soon. I think right now I shall try logging onto hotmail again, send some abusive e-mailps and then head towards a bed in the boys room purely because I'm scared of my room coz its full of girls who talk about makeup and underwear and that scares the shit pout opf me. ...
by the way I'm in BArcelona right now and its fucking cool as.
Man I'm so pissed.