May 10, 2006 11:18
Woke up before the alarm even went off this morning with a headache so bad it hurt to have my head on the pillow. Unfortunately, standing up didn't go over much better. Managed to swallow some advil and take the dog out to the yard (no walk) and then back to bed with some ice on my neck. Meditated awhile to calm myself and was able to get back to sleep. Slept until 10:30 and feel pretty good now, a little woozy. Going to attempt a walk soon and then shower. Hopefully I can get some work done at home too, although being on the computer doesn't seem the wisest thing for my neck. Can't put my finger on what I might have done to trigger the neck/head thing. It could possibly just be hormonal from starting yesterday, but I had acupuncture at 3...perhaps it was just toxins leaving...
Nothing wrong with a quiet day though. I was feeling a bit blue yesterday. The day started out badly, just irritating things that other driver were doing, and stuff with clients at work, and cramps. I realize I can get kind of weepy when I don't feel good and that it would have been nice to come home and be nurtured. I think I was sad about that, because when I want to be nurtured, I don't usually have that in my life. P is not a nurturer. She's not a cuddly kind of person, and on some level it really bothers her when other people need that stuff, she just puts a wall up. It's even hard for her to be nurturing to her daughter. I mean, she gives in other ways, I'm not judging her. It's just interesting to me that I'm discovering that there are things I would like to have from another and the universe is teaching me that you can't get all your needs met from another person. You have to find ways to meet your own needs and not rely on others. Anyway...
Gonna go walk the boy and then give myself a break from the computer!