Overpopulating the planet scares me as it leads to growing areas of exploitation, xenophobic violence, famine, spread of disease and environmental destruction.
I'm glad the
view of
Jane Goodall one of the patrons of
Optimum Population Trust has been printed in The Independent
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I don't have a problem with families, people with children are just as nice as people without children and it's certainly wrong to take it out on the children.
It's pointless criticising retrospectively, excessive population growth has happened. I just think it is long overdue that family planning and birth-control were given more enfersis in education at schools. Political parties should take a lead in this, but it's not a vote winning subject and always seems to be avoided.
With enough of a will it can be turned around, 40 years of sex education for the young, freely available and easily accessible family planning and media coverage of population issues given prominence has worked in China where there is now a successful culture of population reduction with an attitude that city folk have just one child and rural have two which is entirely voluntary and seldom exceeded.
In England the average normal family is just a fraction over 2 children which at first glance seems that this country is doing better than most, but it's not the whole picture as it has become normal to have 2 children at a young age then a divorce, marriage and another 2 children ten years later, slotting an extra generation in and putting England's population growth at about the same rate as the rest of the world.
As for religious beliefs that birth-control is wrong, it's obvious to me that it served its purpose by promoting the numbers of followers of that religion greater than the promotion of rival religions that had fewer births in their community's and thus fewer numbers of children to bring up in that religion, it worked then but now the planet is full and its time those outdated religious beliefs were abandoned. As I have worked for a few Christian charities my opinion has caused some employment issues.
The majority view I find at motorcycling rallies is that it is all the fault of foreigners coming over here and steeling our jobs and that our borders should be closed, which is in my view bollox. Allegedly everyone's stealing everybody else's jobs, the English blame the Poles, the Danish blame the Romanies, the Portuguese blame the French and when I worked in Spain I ended up on the receiving end of abuse as the Spanish blame the English. As someone who used to earn a living taking people up mountains, I would have been a bit restricted if I had to stay in my own country as England hasn't got anywhere over 1k above sea level. As for not wanting migrant workers, try telling that to British Rail who recruited migrant workers to avoid going bust as they couldn't get British workers to take the crappy jobs.
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