book news

Sep 22, 2011 08:46

This is all that's ever going on of interest in my life atm, but at least I have that, right? In that respect, too, a lot has been going on since my last posting here. I've been a little negligent posting on LJ because I've got so many other blogs going right now which I'm trying to keep current, but I still like to stop by every now and then and let my LJ pals know I'm still alive and kicking. Kicking.

My biggest news right now is my third book, Sanctuary, which was published in print back in June, is now also available as an ebook on as of yesterday. I'm very excited to be able to offer my books as ebooks because it really is a growing market. I'm a bit old fashioned preferring hard copies of books, but that could all change if I ever get a reader. Let's face it. Ebooks are more accessible, instantly in most cases, easily convertible to personal preference, like say, font size and such, and loads cheaper. So, I'm very happy having my books available as ebooks. It's quite simply, the way to go, anymore.

The fourth book in the series, The Scent of Rain, is due to be published next month. It's pretty much good to go. I'm just waiting a bit to space out these publishings for promotions-sake, and then I want to do one last read through before "going live."

The fifth book, Whispers in the Wind, has made it to the proof stage and is currently on its second proof. I've got the cover art ready to go at least. It's a relief not having to stress about covers. I love it when one just works right off. I'm looking to publish it around January, February. Haven't really decided.

I also haven't decided whether or not that will be the final book in the series, but since I don't have an idea for another book at the moment, it looks like it will be. Of course all that could change. I may get struck with a plot this afternoon.

I have been writing more short stories for the anthology I have planned. I'm up to six total. I'm shooting for ten. At least. I recently finished one featuring one of my readers' favorite characters, the angel of death, Aksariel. I've posted it on the Moonlit Wings website, as well as FictionPress, and my author page at Goodreads, so take a look, and let me know what you think of it.
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