Hello! In the old days this post at the top of my LiveJournal & Dreamwidth would be called the "comment-to-be-added-post", these days it's a sticky post; I make a new one every year:)
My journal is not locked; you are welcome to read all my posts. I am a hermit, but I do like to interact here with fellow fangirls or passers-by and I encourage you to comment on any of my posts at any time. (I especially love responses to my artposts; it's NEVER too late to tell me what you think of those *grins*)
If you find my journal's dark background hard on the eyes:
you can watch any page on LJ and DW in your own journal's style by adding ?style=mine behind the url.or if you add ?format=light, you get the standard lay-out with the white background. (If the url already contains a questionmark, use an ampersand (&) instead:)Also: I made a
step-by-step post on how to back-up your LJ [
Despite my occasional use of harsh language and posts about sensitive or personal subjects, I chose to not put an age warning on my journal. I will not censor what I choose to share online. I'm a green left voting atheist woman, HEAR ME ROAR!
I was an active participant in several fandoms, as a moderator and artwork creator; there are links in my sidebar if you want to explore any of the fancommunities I played in:)
If you're curious about my creations, you can check my Artmasterlists, that are also on top of my LJ & DW. I made so many fanworks over the years, I had to split the list in two:
Artmasterlist 2010-2018 [
DW] |
Artmasterlist 2019 and beyond [
To remind myself there is more to life than being online,
I keep my booklist at the top of my LJ. That's ironic, Alanis.
What I'm reading in 2025
How this list works: Book(s) I am in the middle of | Books I have read + date |
link to review (or credit;) | DNF = Did not finish (gave up)
Left over books from 2024 (and before)
Spotlight [op] Aimee de Jongh - Jan-Willem de Vries 14 JAN.Zwerfgoed - Katinka Polderman & Sophie Reinders (October 2021)Skulls, Portraits of the Dead - Paul Gambino (2021 Birthdaygift from Mom)Terra Ultima - Raoul Deleo (December 2022)Christmas Books - Charles Dickens (2022 Birthdaygift from T.)Jheronimus Bosch, Visioenen van een Genie - Matthijs Ilsink & Jos Koldeweij (February 2023)The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde (Kickstarter Black edition, February 2023)De Schone Slaper e.a. verhalen - Jan Vander Laenen (June 2023) DNF* 2 JAN. *too vulgair and misogynistic; only had 2 stories left to go, but I had reached my limit.Het Onofficiële Kookboek voor Harry Potter Fans - Tom Grimm (2023 Birthdaygift from Mom)Powers of Darkness (The Lost Version of Dracula) - Valdimar Ásmundsson (May 2024)De Opoponax - Monique Wittig (FR) (June 2024) 31 JAN.De Grote Van Gogh Atlas - Nienke Denekamp & René van Blerk (August 2024)Frankenstein - Mary Shelley (November 2024)Ongemakkelijke Mensen - Elly Biesters (Sinterklaas 2024)Buried Deep - Naomi Novik (Sinterklaas 2024)Moresnet - Philip Dröge (Sinterklaas 2024)In Memoriam - Alice Winne (2024 Bdaygift from T.) 11 JAN. Recommended!The Greatest Nobodies of History - Adrian Bliss (2024 Bdaygift from T.)Herinneringen - Aletta Jacobs (2024 Bdaygift from Mom)Added in January:
The Reading List - Sara Nisha Adams (2024 Bdaygift from M.)Mannen en Andere Tegenvallers [SWE: Norrtullsligan] - Elin WägnerDe Trein Waarin Het Regent - Wianda Rozendaal (2024 Bdaygift from J.)The DNA of Orphan Black - Abbie BernsteinThat's 4 BOOKS read this year!
Happy Reading! ~ J.
What I read in 2024 [DW] /
2023 [DW] /
2022 [DW] /
2021 [DW] /
2020 / 2019 /
2018 /
2017 /
2016 /
2015 /
2014 /
2013 /
2012 /
2011 /
2010 /
2009 /
2008My old archive of alphabetized book reviews / Readingcommunity
thej2bee LJ