Amsterdam Light Festival 2023/2024 edition

Jan 08, 2024 23:56

Last Friday I got on a train to Amsterdam to cycle around for the Light Festival with brotherdearest. Was a little apprehensive because last year the installations were disappointing, but this year's artworks totally made up for that; so many gorgeous designs! After two hours of cycling (and stopping to take photos) we took a short dinner break and then did another final hour to finish the whole route. My butt didn't appreciate it, but (ha) it was an excellent evening:-)

Le Saut - Arnaud Laffond (FRA)
Can you spot the lit up man in the water? That is Artificial Human II - Atelier Haute Cuisine (BEL) > these figures are hidden all over the route and not mentioned on the paper map.
In the same photo, across the canal are the benches with figures Absorbed by Light - Gali May Lucas (GBR) > these were also part of the 2018/2019 edition.

City Camouflage - Marleen Sleeuwits (NLD)
Gouden Bocht - Peter Vink (NLD)

We found more Artifical Humans by Atelier Haute Cuisine (BEL). One on the bridge (with my brother next to it;) and there was a whole group in the water unfortunately only one of them was lit up, so I'm impressed brotherdearest spotted them in the dark!

Light High - Jacqueline Hen (DEU)
Chairwave - Vouw (NLD) This was a cooperation installation; seats only were available next to a person, if there was just a single seat, the ones next to it would go vertical, creating a wave in the row of seats.

A small part of the walking route was closed of due to an overflow of (rain)water, so we didn't get to see two installations (Percipio & 0,12). We had heard these were interactive, so it was a bit of a disappointment that we missed out on them, but further along there were still some other artworks that we could play with:-)

Atlas - Jon Voss (GBR). I think this is my favorite piece of art of the night; can you spot the figure holding up the buildings?
Pool of Dreams - Vibhor Sogani (IND) - an indoor light installation, well worth the wait in an orderly queue outside. We were lucky to be in front of the small group allowed in every three minutes. We had the best of the very spectacular view!

Chromatic Rain - Joan Giner (FRA)
Waves - Florian & Michael Quistrebert (FRA) (projected on the side of the Maritime Museum)

Invisible Vision - Joris Strijbos (NLD) The only one rather out of reach across the water; three giant robots, that were supposedly moving, but we weren't able to see that from the shore. Great view of the harbour though!
Future You - Universal Everything (GBR) Projected on the side of science museum Nemo and activated by movement of people; brotherdearest did a little dance too:)

Modern Guru and the Path to Artificial Happiness - Eness (AUS)
When you took a picture of the Guru, the creature would spit out an AI generated message!
My brother got: "Be brave and be human or you might yell"
and mine said: "Embrace uncertainty, for it is the birthplace of limitless possibilities"
Both pretty cool, right? :-D

The Guru was surrounded by snuggly fabric creatures that moved their digital eyes and changed colours, aaahw.

Water - Herman Kuijer (NLD) The coloured lights under the bridge, especially fun for the boat tours I imagine; the photo is showing the colours much better than we could actually see them!
Artificial Human III - Atelier Haute Cuisine (BEL)

Artificial Human IV - Atelier Haute Cuisine (BEL) Can you spot the three figures at the dock, walking down to the boats?
Error - Vendel & De Wolf (NLD) (This blue spiral is the first installation of the route when you're doing a boat tour)

Is it really you? - Studio Mast (NLD)
Another favorite: this installation starts with just coloured dots and then different faces are drawn with lines connecting the dots.

My Absence is Your Presence - Mischa Kuball (DEU)
This location was actually after the next photo, but I want to show these two parts of the same installation next to each other:) Fun fact: the first text was actually duplicated because this is where there's a split in the water route; not all boats had a permit to go into the Haarlemmersluis part of the canal. So the first line can be seen on the other corner of the canal as well. (A bit confusing for people doing the route by foot or bicycle;)

Phyllotaxis - Macular | Daan Johan & Joris Strijbos (NLD) I also made a video of this installation; mind the flashing lights of these rotating pieces!
Artificial Human I - Atelier Haute Cuisine (BEL)

Next Connection - Yasser Ballemans (NLD) A collaboration with 1500 middleschool students who drew the little coloured plates that make up the mandalas; there were two more of these installations at the other end of the canal.
Cell Phone - Liam Campbell (GBR)
That last one is best appreciated in motion, so here's the video:)

The penultimate installation we saw was Waiting by Frank Foole (NLD) but as that had also been part of the 2018/2019 edition, I didn't include a photo above.

The current edition is running until January 21st. For everyone who wants to see more, I made a list of previous Light Festival picspams below:)


December 2022 (LightFestival 2022/2023) Boattour with Mom and Brotherdearest, photos on Instagram

December 2018 (LightFestival 2018/2019) Cycled with brotherdearest, photos and video post on Dreamwidth (and LJ)

December 2017 (LightFestival 2017/2018), unplanned walk with brotherdearest, I only posted 2 photos on Instagram:
ships in the harbour and a gif of my face lit up in a box:-)

Januari 2017 (LightFestival 2016/2017) with Mom, J. and brother H., photos+gifs+videos in Livejournal:
Part 1 is a walk called Illuminade,
+ Part 2 is the boattour section called Water Colors

December 2015 (LightFestival 2015/2016) Walked with Mom, photo and videos in LJ

November 2014 (LightFestival 2014/2015) spotted two artworks on a random walk with brotherdearest, picspam of Amsterdam in LJ

Playlist of all the Video over the years on my YouTube

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