Graphics for Land of Art Ph16Ch9+11

May 02, 2021 13:21

Am incredibily busy in real life with preparations for the renovations to my apartmentcomplex. This weekend I'm clearing out my attic so they can put in a new floor. I bought a handtruck stair climber, which should come in handy moving the big ass old computer monitors I have stored up in the attic.
So far I've sorted all the empty boxes I had saved of every appliance I bought in the last twenty years (because I never knew if I could use them when I would move again, ahem, I'm really bad a throwing stuff out, okay). So that was a whole bunch of cardboard and plastic bags and styrofoam shapes to separate. Didn't need the hand truck to get all of that down the stairs, although it took me four runs to get everything to my bikeshed. That needs to be emptied out as well, because they will be putting in a new ceiling there, but hopefully I'll have help from my mom and brother next week to get everything out of there and to the city's disposal site.

Anyway, I'm taking a break by sitting down to update my journal with the latest landofart graphics:) Due to the aforemented preparations I didn't have time to go for maximum points, but I tried to participate whenever I could.

Challenge 9 - Franchising Teamwork
Create Posters (500x700 pixels) for movies/shows/games in given categories
(Click for full size).

Orphan Black & The Walking Dead

Challenge 10 - Can You See Me?
Unfortunately I had to opt out of this one; I hope it will make an appearance in the next Phase again, because it did sound like fun. You had to create art and only share the basic elements you used (textures, fonts and images), then another member would try to recreate it just by the description of what you made and so on up until a group of five members.
I lacked time to fully commit to this so I used Golden Tickets instead to at least get some points for my team SteamPunk.

Challenge 11 - Mystery Bags of Loot
This was a fun one: you could request a set of secret graphic elements from the mod to play with. I asked for a Fancy Bag & a Goth Bag and made 4 Tumblr Graphics (540x540 pixels) from images I had collected over time (I was unable to track them back to the original photographers). Here's what I made, click for full size!

Here's what I got for in my Fancy Bag of Loot:
Texture 1 :
Texture 2:
Technique: Close Crop
Theme: Elegant
Font: Sub-categories of the title you chose on
I picked two fonts from the Fancy>Retro category

Font: Mount Hills by Riyadh Rahman
Photo: from

Font: South Amsterdam by Geranium Space
Photo: Ad for Illamasqua Make Up

Here's what I got for in my Goth Bag of Loot:
Texture 1 :
Texture 2:
Technique: Negative Space
Theme: Dark
Font : Sub-categories of the title you chose on
I picked a font from the Medieval and the Modern category

Font: Sketch Gothic School by Galdino Otten (Medieval Goth)
Photo: from

Font: El Diablo by defaulterror (Modern Goth)
Photo: from

Let me know what you think!


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land of art, i made this

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