Land of Art Ph15:Ch3 - Hide & Seek (Round 2+3)

Oct 31, 2020 22:46

I had hoped to share the icons I made for the Halloween Challenge in landofart, but they had to be submitted anonimously for voting in the community, and that is still going, so I can't show them yet;) Instead, I'm catching up with the latest two rounds of the Hide & Seek Challenge that runs all phase long. In this challenge we get to create different graphics using different techniques or themes. Each design is also a vote for that technique/theme and only the most popular ones move on to the next round. My favorites usually don't survive, but hey, I get to try new techniques every round, haha!

For Round 2 I made 3 Tumblr Graphics and a Bookmark (click for full size)

Bookmark with Tatiana Maslany:

Multi-Colored Background added by me; I used a texture and several filters.

Tumblr Graphic with Cindy from The Boys:

Going for an effect called Chairoscuro - Strong Contrasts between light and dark

2 Tumblr Graphics with Knockout Text:

For Round 3: more Tumblr Graphics and two SigTags (click for full size)

CSI: S6Ep1 Nick Stokes and Greg Sanders with that Chairoscuro effect.
Sadly this technique is not going on to the next round, I would have liked to explore it more.

Another CSI Tumblr Graphic, not in a specific technique, but using the theme Astronomy (Art must contain space elements: stars, planets, meteors, asteroids, moons, etc.)

Also not really a technique, but a 'Prop' instruction: An object of some sort must be the focus of your art. I put the original photo next to it (left;) to compare to my edit.

2 Animated Sigtags:

Used part of a ready-made larger spiraling stardustgif for my background, mixing it with colour

Popclaw from the Boys. I can't believe I got this glitch effect to work; I split the original photo in coloured transparant layers, moved them a little off to the side and then added brushed scratches to make it look even more distorted.

I love experimenting in Land of Art a lot:)


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csi, typography, land of art, i made this, nickngreg

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