Land of Art Phase 14: Challenge 3 Hide & Seek Round 2

May 05, 2020 22:27

I had an extralong weekend because May 5th is a national holiday and I had saved up loads of overtime training new people in the past few weeks, so I took Monday the 4th off as well. I had planned to do another Japan picspam, but then I spent all Sunday on the couch with a book and loved that so much that I did that again today.
Yesterday I caught ( Read more... )

tumblr, csi, skam, i love to read, land of art, i made this, mmmbooks

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Comments 2

amberdreams May 6 2020, 12:17:45 UTC
I can\t remember the last time I sat down with a book - I'm not sure I could read one for even an hour without interrupting myself these days. My attention span is like a flea, jumping all over the place! The only time I can concentrate is when I'm arting. Glad to see you're making good use of your spare time in lockdown. :D


beelikej May 8 2020, 20:23:34 UTC
It was bliss to get lost in another world for hours on end (even if that was a bleak one;). I recognize the issue with a short attention span; the last couple of years mine had decreased horribly with all the social media that I can't stay away from. So I surprised myself with being able to just stay put on that couch and read and read and read:) Hope I can spend more weekends like this!


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