Picspam intermezzo: my Birthday!

Dec 28, 2019 13:12

So, on December 26th I had my 50th birthday, wahey! I started my day with my homemade arretjescake for breakfast and opening presents from friends all over the world. Then I build my birthdaycake and read all the messages coming in on social media until my family arrived. Brotherdearest and his girlfriend had delayed their travelplans, my other brother had come over from Australia with my sister in law and darling nephew, and of course my mom and her partner were there; they even brought a big Sarah doll with them, heehee! We had a blast hanging out (I got spoiled with loads of presents:) and in the evening I took them all out for dinner at the nearby Chinese restaurant. An excellent birthday and I was so very pleased with how my candy cake turned out, I want to share that with y'all.

If you follow me on Instagram you've already seen a couple of these photos:)

Arretjescake ( original family recipe here!) - for my version I replaced 50 grams of the regular sweet teabiscuits with salty Tuc biscuits:)
It may not be as colourful as the Red Velvet I bought, but it's homemade and a true ode to chocolate. \o/

This is how I build the cake: I stacked two freshly made Red Velvet dripcakes from the HEMA (8 + 16 pcs)...

...and decorated them myself with candy and chocolate:)

It was scrumptious. (And I served the top bit as a tiny cake to my friends the next day:)

Last but not least: me and the Sarah doll (a tradition in the Netherlands on your 50th birthday, usually placed in front of your house).
My mom made this from a present: a snuggly onesie!

(My eyes look censored, but that's just the sunlight hitting the photo;)

Also: for every kilogram of weight I lost this year, I collected a carton of peach yoghurtdrink (my favorite) which weighs exactly a kilo, look at the pile I could build with those! (It's very intimidating how heavy those cartons are; I put them in two crates and I can not even lift those together, how strong am I to have carried that with me!) I'm very proud I found a way to be more creative with food. I'm on my way to a new goal and am confident that I will get there:)

It's been a whirlwind of a year, but it ended on a very high note, I had such a great day:)
Thank you to everyone who sent cards and well wishes <3<3<3


[Crossposted on DW]

mmmfood, bday

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