Finally got around to start sorting my photos from my trip to Japan. Here's a selection of the first two days of my 10 day tip. Not even a whole day in Tokyo yet, and I already made a ton of photos, heh. Saved me from having to write everything down;) Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Day 1: Flying from Amsterdam to Japan )
Comments 8
Looking forward to the rest of your blog!
Do you take notes while traveling? To remember all the names of the streets and building and which day you were there? Also? I always admire you doing this all by yourself. I would die.
Can't wait for the other parts!
I used to take notes at the end of each travelday, but ever since I have a digital camera with loads of GBs, I just take photos of ALL THE THINGS (including train signs for time reference, but also streetsigns to find my way back!) and that's how I remember. I use my guidebook and collected flyers of sights to double check names:)
I've been a bit busy with RB modstuff and there's also my own art to work on, but I will make time to sort out my photos soon!
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