Birmingham: SPN Convention and Cadbury World!

May 10, 2018 22:53

Last weekend I flew to England for my very first Supernatural convention! I had initially planned to only go to the SaturdayNightSpecial (SNS) concert, but then figured I might as well get a preferred seat for Sunday to have another chance to meet up with fellow fangirls. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!)
Admittedly I was a little disappointed when the con schedule turned out to be different from the USA set up and there wasn't going to be a J2 panel on Sunday. So when I arrived early enough for their Saturday panel, I decided to try and get a ticket for that as well.
Instead of going to the hotel to get rid of my backpack and cool down, I walked (and walked and walked) straight to the convention center. I still don't know exactly how it happened; I was absolutely ready to pay cash after asking for directions to the nearest working ATM when to my surprise I was given a free wristband with General Admission! I was still in a bit of a daze over that when I walked into the hall to find a seat. Turns out I was even on time for Misha's solo panel that was scheduled before J2!

This journal post does not contain any spectacular photos; I was in the back of the hall and have only taken a few snapshots to remember the view. This is a merely a report of my travels, I don't have any photo-op or autograph stories. It does include my trip to Cadbury World on Monday:)

For spectacular con photos I recommend you check out the twitters of somer ( SomerInTheWind) and whiskygalore ( Whiskygalore12).

If you want more, there are also glorious videos shot by amberdreams (on YouTube) and I made a playlist of other vidders here.

Now, here's my con experience.

I've already had a chance to spill my frustrations to my mom and brotherdearest, so I'll keep it short. I loved the panels, they were a good blend of fooling around and thoughful answers by everyone involved. I watch a lot of J2 panelvids and their panels in Birmingham were among the best for sure (I'm including the J2M panel here:). Personally I don't mind any sort of questions, except the ones where fans make it too personal (sobstories or intimate family enquiries). There was only one of the latter, so I'd say well done, fandom.

When it comes to fandom, my first fangirl encounter was rather awkward and even though it later turned out to be completely not my fault, it did give me a bit of a bitter aftertaste for the whole weekend, ugh. I didn't know I could still feel this selfconscious. The other meet ups varied from good to awesome, but all in all I had hoped for more time to talk about Supernatural itself. I'm guessing that mostly happens when you're waiting in line together. As I didn't have any photo-ops or authographs, I missed out on that bonding experience.
In summary I'd say that I had expected an old-fashioned LiveJournal vibe, but instead I got a Facebook feel.

I'm glad I went to this convention and it was a good weekend, I'd just rather find a less busy place to hang with fellow fans for mutual squee and show discussions.


Saturday, May 5

Cycling to the trainstation:)

View from the train and arrival at the airport.

It took a long time going through customs, because they did a full bag-search of both my shoulderbag and my backpack, pfff. I got to keep everything (from my nailvile to all other stuff that caused suspicion).

Turns out Gate D6 had another 10 mini-gates, all with a busstop to take passengers to the plane.

These Cityhoppers are quite a drive away from the terminal!

But eventually we had lift-off, wheeeeeee! *waves goodbye to the Netherlands*

Reading madebyme_x's lovely story Heartstrings while enjoying a snack:) Very sorry I didn't get to meet you; hope you feel better soon, A! *hugs carefully*

In Birmingham there is a quick (and tiny) shuttle service to take passengers from the terminal to the trainstation, it felt very futuristic:)

Welcome to Birmingham! In the background you can already see the NEC conventioncenter. But to actually get to Hall 8 was a long long walk. Very exciting to see Supernatural on the sign:)

Tadaaah! I took a seat in the very last row, just to make sure I didn't pick an assigned seat (unlike some people I encountered...)

And then the lights went out and it was time for Misha's panel. Sound was great and fortunately I could see his facial expressions on one of the big screens next to the podium;)

Richard and Rob reintroduce Jared and Jensen after they had sent them backstage again when J2 showed up during the closing of Misha's panel. The distance looks worse in the photo, but you can see why I put my camera away, right?

Okay, one last J2 panel picture. That Parental Advisory note was all over the walls; I think the guys are a little less reserved than in American cons, but really, it's not as pervy as this suggests.

The walk from the NEC to my hotel had clear signage, but lead through a deserted warehouse area, which was slightly unsettling.

I freshened up in my hotelroom and dressed up a bit for the concert.

First I had dinner with a couple of fellow fangirls in the resort area of the convention center. It was more than a little too hot for me outside, but the sun did make everything look pretty.

I never noticed if those flowery artpieces lit up in the dark. I like to think they did;)

Pizza Campana(Romana base) - crumbled pork & fennel sausage, friarielli*, tomato, garlic oil and mozzarella with Gran Milano cheese and parsley. *The Friarelli was too green for me, but besides that I ate the whole wagonwheel \o/
We gobbled up our icecream dessert to make it to the concert in time (I had a scoop of vanilla and a scoop of salted caramel, yum)

Made it! I could sit a little closer to the stage, yay!
Matt Cohen sang Seven Nation Army, not the best choice for his voice, but he sure put up a worthy show:) (Billy Moran on guitar, whoop-whoop!)

Briana Buckmaster blew me away, what a powerhouse!

Jensen Ackles was cool rockstar as usual, dayum he's good.
Loved the colour lights everyone put up for She Waits. Rob Benedict was touched by them too. Sweet man.

My wristband for the Saturday con and the concert (both General Admission; con price 90 U$ (64 UKpounds), concert was 74 U$)
For the full fangirl experience I will be wearing AKF and SPN underwear tomorrow;)

Sunday, May 6

Love the carpet in my hotelroom. Eating a full English breakfast while updating (my Instagram

Opening of the Con by Richard & Rob followed by a Q&A panel by Richard and Rob (such a smooth transition :'-D). I had never watched their panel online, this was such a treat. I laughed so hard.

Hall 8 in all its glory. Behind me there are concession stands, which Jared found very amusing.

I had brought yoghurt and cornflakes from my Unlimited Breakfast at the hotel. The Hall was very empty in between panels, because everyone is doing ops and autos. Meanwhile there was a SPN quiz and an auction on stage.
I had brought my arts & crafts to turn into full DIY packages to share. ( I freshened up my Team Texas artwork from the 2014 Cinema challenge; you can print the paperpuppets of Jensen, Jared and Jeff yourself if you want:)

The final panel of the con was Jensen, Jared and Misha; I feared too many shenanigans, but it was a perfect dose of those, in combination with serious Q&As (and luckily for me at the time I thought the ice challenge just involved drinking a bottle of icewater; I didn't find out about it being Smirnoff Ice until afterwards, when it was too late to be cranky about the combination of peerpressure and alchohol. I know the guys are all smart enough to say no when needed, I just prefer people to be sober on stage, okay.)

Richard, Rob and Louden Swain closed off with The End of the Con song (to the tune of The End of the World) and that was it for the panel part of the convention. There were still photo-ops and autograph sessions, but not for me.

I did hang around with Amb in the hallway for a final chat and while we were standing there, all the guests passed us by on the way to ops and autos. I saw Misha and Jensen, then Richard and Rob and finally had my camera ready when Jared came by *waves*

After saying goodbye to Amb, I walked to the station to buy traintickets for tomorrow and I had a quick dinner at the Subway (meatball sub with milk - I love that the English always have milk available for Dutch me, because they put so much of it in tea;)

Went back to hotel to enjoy my pics (and the ones all my friends put up on Twitter:) I brought snacks for a little post con pity party: Monster Mash Roasted Beef flavor was delicious (I bought another one for my trip home) and I also loved my raspberry cheesecake cookie, nom!
(FYI: Sunday preferred seat cost me 160 U$ + 8.50 U$ administrationcosts. I had a combo hotel/flight deal, for which the flights were about 112 € and the hotel for two nights 250 €)

Monday, May 7

This time I remembered to grab some fancy buns together with my English breakfast. Checked out of the hotel around 9 and just missed my intended train to Central station (Birmingham New Street)

Fortunately there was an in between train to still make my connection to Bournville, but that train had a 10 minute delay. Good thing I always have a plan B and C to still make it on time;)

The Bournville station is decorated in the Cadbury colours: purple and gold, such a beautiful combination.

All the lamppost on the way to the Cadbury factory are purple too, so you can easily find your way:)

To get to Cadbury World you have to walk around their chocolate factory.

There is a gorgeous park originally build for Cadbury employees. The walk around is not only pretty, it also smells delicious; there is a chocolate breeze, mmmmm.

All along the trail there are signs about the history of the place.
Trees in bloom; it was a very warm walk, but the shade and sights made it wonderful.

First adventure in Cadbury World is a trip through Mexico to learn about the origine of the cocoa bean. You eventually end up in England to find out how the Cadbury family started producing chocolate.

There are demonstrations on the proces of making different kinds of chocolate and along the way you are treated to chocolate bars (bring a bag:)

I loved the bits of history and the old adds. The tour ends with a ride in the Cadabra, which is sort of like the Small World ride (at Disney) but instead of puppets there are Cocoa beans, it's very silly.

For the tour through the chocolate factory, you get a cup with liquid chocolate and a scoop of treats on top to sample while you look at employees behind glass as they decorate handmade chocolate goodies.
The highlight of Cadbury World is the 4D Chocolate Adventure.

You wear 3D glasses and sit in a moving chair as you watch a rollercoaster ride through a fantasy chocolate land, that was pretty awesome.
I also loved the chocolate door exit:)

From the playground area you get a good look of the huge factory building.
Yay, I got a souvenir penny! (I usually forget to save pennies for those machines:)

As a final treat I have a very English lunch with a fruitscone with clotted cream (I brought the jam home as a souvenir for mom) and a Crunchie Milkshake before I walk back to the Bournville trainstation.

This time I make all my connections without delays and I get to the airport right on time:)

I do run into another full search of my backpack again (remind me to remove the e-reader next time?) but all is not bad; while waiting for my gate to be announced, I find out that Somer's flight was delayed and she is still at the airport! We have a little extra fangirl time hanging out at the gate, yay! What a lovely close off of my fandom weekend:)

Bye Convention Center, Hello Dutch tulips!

The End.


P.S. Mom and I sampled all the chocolate from Cadbury World and it was delicious:)

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travelblog, fandom, spn

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