Sinterklaas 2016 [arts & crafs]

Dec 11, 2016 20:53

Last weekend my family celebrated Sinterklaas, a Dutch holiday where we anonymously exchange gifts with each other. Just like with secret Santa we get to pick one person to do something special for. Our rule is to at least write a poem to go with the gift, it's optional to hide the present in a surprise wrapping. Of course I did both;) Here's a step-by-step picspam of what I made for my sister in law:

Amongst other things, she had asked for a springform pan and gloves. These were going to be hidden in the surprise: a giant tube of handcreme...

I put the gloves in giftwrapping, but left a large piece of the paper at one end (you'll see why further on).
I then took the springform pan apart and made a fake cardboard base to put inside the wall belt...

I cut through the base to be able to connect it to a cardboard shippingtube; with just a cross cut, the tube can be shoved through real tight.

I put the giftwrapped gloves inside the shippingtube, and let the left-over paper stick out, so it would look like 'creme' was spilling out the tube.

I then covered the wall belt of the springform pan with bubble wrap to shape the cap of the surprise (Hush, it will totally work)

Next step is to add sturdy paper to make a tubeshape.
I cut a logo of my sister in law's favorite Dutch store (the majority of the gifts on her wishlist came from that store;)

I glued the logo on the big pieces of sturdy paper and it's starting to look like an actual tube now! I take it apart for final touches: I add text with marker...

... and wrap the cap with tinfoil before I put the whole thing together: tadaah!

The next day mom and I traveled together by train to The Hague for our family-get-together. We each had huge bags with presents with us, as did several other people on the train, such fun! I wrote some last minute poems to go with other gifts and fellow passengers offered to help, haha. (I didn't let them, because the poems were meant to be a secret for my mom;) There was definitely a holiday spirit on the train:)

Check my photoblog for family photos of this year's get-together
(For celebrations and arts&crafts from previous years, click the Sinterklaas TAG:)

Bonus surprise-making for work: after one of my co-workers secretly gave our team chocolate letters (Sinterklaas' traditional candy:) I got him HIS favorite snack: a cucumber. He knows how much I hate the smell when he eats one at his desk, so I disguised it as a carrot and added a poem about him having something else to eat;)

No WIP photos because this was done very quickly: I wrapped a piece of orange paper around the cucumber, folded the bottom into a pointy tip, added green paper leaves on top and used my bonefolder to make markings in the carrot. Tadaah!


Now on with Xmas cards!!


sinterklaas, i made this

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