*Happy sigh* Just spent hours stalking the Asylum14 tag on Twitter to vicariously enjoy Jeff, Jensen and Jared on stage at the SPN-convention in Birmingham. That was time well spent;) Plus I got a double dose of JDM, who is very much missing in this year's
SPN_J2_BigBang :( Fortunately there is still plenty of J2 fic to choose from; I ended up with six summaries
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I bemoaned the lack of JDM as well in bb this year. Speaking of bb, I am not nervous, not nervous at all. *curls up in her be, with cuddle pillow and gnaws on her nails*
Good luck with claims, I hope you'll get what you want!
I hope all the JDMing at cons will inspire authors to include him in the next writingchallenge;)
Claimday is so nervewracking if you're waiting to get picked. *gives you all the hugs, all of them*
Well, you'll def get JDM for fandomaid, we should talk abut what you want... after bigbang ;)
I saw that you got a fic from your first pick, congrats! Claims are indeed nervewrecking everytime *nods* I had to distract myself cleaning the bathroom :D
Also, to tide you over, while he's not part of a pairing, I have of course included a bit of JDM in my bb story. Can't write 20k+ words and not have JDM!
Oh, I noticed your bossman JD, yes, yes I did. <3
Will think about what I want to happen to Jeff and Jensen;) BigBang first, woohoo!
Yes, yes, bossman JD, he's there. Saltandpepper beard and all!
Yeah, bb first, but then JDM/Jensen porn shall happen. Unless, of course, someone where to create JDM/Jensen porn for the porn pile... *whistles innocently*
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