Despite the job-situation, I'm still going to London this weekend. I will be offline from Friday until Monday, so if you want to meet up, now is the time to contact me! I have no set plans for Saturday and I'm available for a bit of fangirling over tea and crumpets:)
I haven't decided yet whether I will bring my brandspanking new (first!) mobile phone, as I'm used to being incommunicado when traveling. Even if I carry it along, I still need to practice all the things, so I will be out of touch once I leave my house. :-p
spnspringfling has put up a
reveal of all the gifts.
alycat for those precious Jensen/JDM
Moments you wrote for me *smishes*. GO READ IT, EVERYONE, it's supersweet (and totally PG13 if you're worried about that:)
Did y'all already guess what I made for that exchange? I will be posting a 'Making of' tomorrow, as I don't want to overwhelm you after yesterday's extensive tour behind the scenes :0) As you can tell, I've been experimenting with different techniques. I'm very happy
dugindeep allowed me to fiddle with J2D like that *grins* Link to that glorious polyamory story in
my latest artpost (It's animated!)
Last but not least: I set up a
collection of my fanart at AO3. If you're an author I've collaborated with, you are welcome to add your story. Over the next couple of weeks I'll be going through my masterlist to check for myself what fic is available for a linkback:)