Self promotion - not the meme

Jun 07, 2014 12:18

I finally updated my latest artpost with a proper link to the sources I used. I still need to add links on my masterpost of artsy fiddling, but will do that later. I should really stop stalling on other chores that are higher up on my list. Let's face it; everything I 'need to' do on my computer is really just an excuse to hang online;) Oh well, it's a long weekend. \o/

I know I am behind on responding to fics, art and regular life posts on my flist, some of that is because of my XL weekend in London last week, some is just plain laziness on my part. I apologize and promise to catch up this weekend.

I'll end this short sign of life with a shameless reminder of my own creations from the past month: Paperpuppets Team Texas for spn_cinema & Papercollage Meanwhile in Hollywood for spn_meanttobe

I encourage you to promote your own work in the comments or link me to essential lifeposts I may have overlooked!


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