When I got home from work last night, I found a bottle of handsoap on the floor in the hallway; upon investigation I discovered the cabinet in my bathroom had come down from the wall!
Fortunately it hadn't hit the mirror or the sink during its tumble. The only things that were broken were a small ceramic bowl and a fancy decorative perfume bottle. The residue of perfume in there had left quite a smell that I had already noticed upon entering my house, before I was distracted by the handsoap on the floor.
While I was clearing away the broken glass, my mom arrived for dinner. She helped me clean up the bathroom. Since the screws left neat holes in the wall, we suspect the cabinet had been slowly shaken loose thanks to tremors caused by the heavy drilling done by my new downstair neighbours. I will try and get the cabinet back up again this weekend.
The heavy smell of perfume gave me a headache and nausea, but despite that I managed to have a lovely evening with my mom. She showed me new photos of my darling nephew, I showed her my Tumblr. As you do.
The smell was still there this morning so I avoided the bathroom and washed myself at the kitchensink. I hope it doesn't take too long to air out.
Crossposted from
http://beelikej.dreamwidth.org/425163.html [