Soy un perdedor

Mar 27, 2010 12:58

I'm slowly catching up with the flist. Going back to work after my absolutely amazing long weekend in Iceland has been -ehm- confronting? I love my job (I really, really do) but real life is getting me down a little bit. Nothing to worry about I'm sure; hormones are starting to prepare for a war yet again, so that's probably it.
Still; it does make me feel like a loser not doing anything contructive in my spare time. And I don't mean big things like ending world hunger, really: I'm so lame I consider not succeeding in doing my chores a huge failure. (So don't expect me to feed the world any time soon, not until after I sorted myself out anyway)

Watch me commenting and answering posts and mail long after it's appropriate. Oh and dishes. Will do those dishes. Honest.

ETA: Aaargh. Proving my point; I meant to ask for directions to anything I missed while I was away and stuck in my own head in the past week. Link me to your life?


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