I just got back from Busch Gardens which is a theme park about an hour away. I can barely walk, i have that rash thing ;\. I haven`t been on in a few days, so i have no idea what sophia said about me, who i was, what i did. It`s confusing, she says a lot to people i don`t know and do know. I guess we`re sorta friends because of Ashley but i`m not sure. She just said sooooooooo much stuff like i was 12 then 16 then my name was Linn or is, and Jenni or something. If i was going to lie about my age i would be 17! perfect age. My cat brought in a mouse and is now on the look out for it, and when i got home my Iguana was out, fun for me i had to find him. I want to talk to Missy, i got her this thing, she loves Elephants, so i got her this thing or something. I was stuck going with these two kids of my mom`s friend, one was on the border line of being retarded, but he was sooooooo nice and i felt really bad, he kept asking me the same questions over and over again. The other was a monster, she was sooooooo spoiled, we had to do everything she wanted and she whinnnnnned about everything, she annoyed me to death. I got a one of those fairy wands, it`s soo cute it makes me feel 6 again. I spent soooo much money on this one game and didn`t win, it was a beautiful unicorn but oh well. I`ll be getting off to sleep now.