Nov 20, 2006 21:04
and what have we been doing today?
Well I had a call last week about an ad I answered a while back from a local company that does market research. They called to see if I'd go and take part in a study this morning, so I did that. DT came out to meet me and then we went to buy some hairclippers. We've been talking about me doing his hair for ages and we got a good deal on a Wahl clipper set today. Then we went looking for a few things in town and came home.
I cut DT's hair today!! We looked at the instruction video and also the stuff in the book and it didn't look too difficult. So I did it. It doesn't look half bad! He is very prouded of me, and says it looks very nice. I need practice, but that will come. I did alright.
Monday passed much as usual - monday jobs all done. I'm doing more of the heavy housework at the moment so feeling the strain a bit. I can't do it in an hour like flylady says, I have to break it up a bit. Yesterday was a bit hellish as I preached and did all the rest as well which I don't normally do. DT normally cooks or gets me a lunch when I preach and he also takes care of more chores so I can prepare. I was wiped out when I went to bed. I wanted to do some crafty stuff this afternoon but got frustrated and ran out of steam a bit. I have to combine a colour and a black and white picture on one page and I'm struggling to tie them together. I think that I'm going to ask DT to show me how to do more picture enhancement. We've had a look at what we want to re-print/enlarge/enhance from our wedding photographs today as well and made a list.
I have done everything on the Monday list today, for the first time in ages. AND i put out the bins and mopped the floor.
DT is doing MUCH better. He has done more physically today than he's done in ten days and I think that's good. He's still got quite a bit of discomfort in his belly area - probably due to a number of factors I think: Off all the antibiotics now and his gut is probably crying out for flora - I've started him on some live culture yogurt for that (Woody also advised us that this would be good as one of the antibiotics he was on is renowned for stripping out your gut); organs and stuff going down and settling and moving into a gap where something used to be; just general healing, bit of scar tissue forming perhaps..... But hopefully walking a bit more will help that and his digestion, which seems to be suffering. We'll probably take him to see the nurse on thursday - that was what he said he wanted to do. We've taken dressings totally off the drain holes now, and the laparostomy and the main incision are healing nicely.