I made a bumblebee nest box a couple of years back, based on plans that I saw here: (
link). Supposedly it's not especially likely that a queen bee will actually find the box, although it can happen... well it hadn't happened for me for the last two years. I had read that if you don't get a bee to set up a nest in the box that you can try to capture one and put it in... and I had the opportunity to safely (for her and for me) capture one, as I saw a queen poking around in some leaves by my garage (possibly either looking for a place to set up a nest or maintaining a nest that I'd only just now noticed). I scooped her up in a jar and put her in my bee box.
It's hard to know for sure if she liked it or not, but she stayed in there for nearly an hour before flying out.
Here's her coming out. (photos by my wife)
After she came out, she did a small loop around the box:
and then a larger loop around the area before she flew off:
She was definitely orienting herself, and may come back, but we won't know for sure until we see further comings and goings at the box. I hope we get some bumblebees this year!