Tutorial : Asha Earrings
Level : Beginner
Materials :
- 2 pcs. Pearl 6mm - White
- 4 pcs. Pearl 4mm - Light Green
- 10 pcs. Crystal Bicone 3mm - Olivine
- 2 pcs. Teardrop pearl 5x7mm - White
- 1g. 11/0 Seed beads round - Miyuki Duracoat Gold #4202
- 6pcs. 15/0 Seed beads round - Miyuki Duracoat Gold #4202
- Earring Hooks
- Beading Needles #11
- Nymo D or your favorite thread
You can substitute crystal 3mm with pearl 3mm as I did with white version. 15/0 is optional, you can use 11/0.
I bought teardrop pearls from this shop,
http://stores.ebay.com/beautyandthebeads/ (from China). Other materials should not be hard to find.
Cut the thread around 20 inches. Pick up pearl 6mm, 11/0, pearl 4mm, 11/0, crystal 3mm, 11/0, pearl 4mm and 11/0.
Pass through pearl 6mm (red arrow). Continue through the next 11/0, pearl 4mm and 11/0 (blue arrow).
Pick up three 11/0s. Pass through 11/0 just exited (red arrow) and the first 11/0 just picked up (blue arrow).
Pick up crystal 3mm, 11/0, crystal 3mm and 11/0. Pass through 11/0 (red arrow).
Pick up two 11/0s. Pass through two 11/0s (red arrows).
Pass through the next pearl 4mm, 11/0, pearl 6mm, 11/0, pearl 4mm, two 11/0s, crystal 3mm and 11/0 (red arrow).
Pick up two 11/0s, teardrop pearl and three 15/0s. (If you don't have 15/0s, just use 11/0s)
Pass back through teardrop pearl and 11/0 (red arrows). Pick up 11/0 and pass through 11/0 (blue arrow).
Pass through your beads up to pearl 6mm (red arrow).
Pick up two 11/0s, crystal 3mm, 11/0, earring hook, 11/0, crystal 3mm and two 11/0s. Pass through pearl 6mm (red arrow).
Pass through all beads here twice to reinforce your thread path.
Make another earring the same way.
For the white earrings, just use white beads. LOL
Hope you like it, happy beading!