I love this
blog. It's really the ideal life the dork in me would approve of. Nothing fancy, nothing flashy. Just family, lots of nature and art. I would really love to live this way with my future kids, teaching them the way I feel happiness should truly be about. Not money, good grades, fancy clothes or shoes. But finding joy in the simpler things in life, with lots of fun and room for creativity. You know, I hate to say this, but after attending university, I find myself disliking Singapore's system more and more. If I had it my way I would want a different kind of life for my kids.
"I don't mind so much that she would become a happy ordinary women with an ordinary life "in the end". It seems not that difficult to get into a university here in Norway, so I am quite relaxed with this. I would be happier if she becomes a book lover and likes to travel around the world. The only thing I care is that she is a happy kid and happy young lady later on." -Fei An