Aug 18, 2007 18:03
A part of me is like, dead. Call me melodramatic, call me lame, but this is kind of legit. The church that I made my first communion at and went to for twelve-ish years is gone. Totally gone! How do churches just go? It seems emmensely sac-relig. to just change it over to a different belief. But that's that I guess. Alex and John are gone. Totally gone! It will be more than thirteen weeks until I see either of them and all of this college biz is getting to be too much for me. A little sentimental girlee like myself can only take so much. For some reason when I left last month I didn't feel like this. Maybe that was because I knew I was coming back shortly, or that I knew everyone was still here. But what difference does it really make if everyone is here or not; either way I am in Rochester. And part of me cannot WAIT to get back there because I genuinely do love it. But the other part is not ready to let go of Amesbury. Maybe I can have both. Maybe. But I doubt it. Things like that never seem to work out like that. Do I sound like a bitter pessimist? A little bit. But I think I have a right to! I have always sat back and watched everyone else head out of town at the end of August. Now it is actually our turn. Whaa? Just doesn't seem natural. When I see signs in town for things in the first week of September or the end of August I get this erry feeling knowing I will not be around. Life in Amesbury will continue as always but everything I know about it will be gone. The people I love will be scattered around the East (& West) coast. Poo. I am not supposed to be this whiney. But isn't that what livejournal is for? Ha we will see. Only time will tell I suppose!