Jul 21, 2005 22:42
[[Ever Been Called...]]
Dumb?: Yes
Retarted?: Yes
Ugly?: Yes
Hot?: yes
Anorexic?: sadly yes.
A waste of space?: haha - no
Useless?: no
Smelly?: no
A Slut?: yah
Beautiful?: yessir
Smart?: yeah, don't know why
Quiet?: yep
Boring?: no
A Bitch?: pfft, yeah
Rebel?: no
Conceited?: no
What are you wearing?: wife beater and "soffe" shorts. :hehe:
Who are you talking to?: LISSA and KELSEY
How is the weather?: HOT!
What are you listening to?: the notebook!
What/Who are you thinking about?: you don't wanna know hunnie trust me.
What are you eating/drinking?: cheetos and chocolate milk. i know..GROSS
What are you looking forward to?: better things
What are you reading?: Speak
How are you feeling?: moody
How is your hair?: a wreck
What time is it?: 10:34
What are you annoyed by?: little things
[[When Was The Last Time You..]]
Burped?: today
Went to the movies?: a few weeks ago
Went out to eat?: yesterday
Cried?:about a week ago
Got dumped?: 6th grade
Dumped someone?: 5th grade
Threw up?:5th grade. lol
Peed?: like...9?
Went skating?: in january?
Went for a walk?: today
Ate ice cream?: yesterday
Got into a fight?:Not lately
Do you do drugs?: NOPE!
Do you have a mental disablity?: no..but i act like it sometimes
Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: nope
What kind?: none
Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder?: nope nope
What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: um... my g-ma had breast cancer..
[[Who was the last person you...]]
Talked to?: Joe (matts friend)
Yelled at?: My mom
Kissed: hm...
Hugged?: Chow
Went out to eat with?: Mom
Flirted with?: um, .. i honestly don't know.
Talked to on the phone?: Chelsea
IMed?: Kelsey
Recieved an IM from?: Jessica Jackson...
E-Mail?: Chels
Got flowers from?: I dont get flowers lOl
Danced with?: Chels!
Fought with?: chels, and maybe my mommy i think?
Worried about?: life?
Cried over?: nothing
Thought about?: School..ARHG
[[Are you...]]
Understanding?: yah
Pretty?: i'm guessing so, somepeople may not think so..
Nice?: most of the time
A bitch?: Nahh..well, yeah NAHH
Hard to get?: can be
Confident?: Yeah baby
Depressed?: kinda moody but no.
Friendly?:sure. :-p
Hungry?: i'm always hungry.
Original?: YE-AH!
Shy?: nahh, maybe sometimes
Emotional?: kinda
Messy?: sorta
Immature?: Every one is at some point
Sad?: not really..
Trusting?: I think so.
Healthy?: Yep.
Sleepy?: nahhhhhhh
...Lonely?: nope."SINGLE FOR SUMMER" god, whatever happend to that?
Independent?: yea
Romantic?: wish i was.
[[Do you...]]
Do you drink [alcohol]?: Nope
Do you party a lot?: sometimes
How often do you use the word "like" in an average hour?: not often
Do you skip classes? How often?: nope.
Do you steal?: no
Do you wear inappropriate clothing?: short-shorts? do those count? idk
Do you drool over celebrities?: pfft, no
Do you watch a lot of TV?: not as much any more
Do you ever watch the News?: sometimes
Do you read books often?: Not unless i have to
Do you spend most of your time with your friends?: yeah
Do you smoke cigarettes?: NO!
Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens?: Malls
Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone?: a itty bitty one 0:-)
Do you cuss a lot?: not alot only a little when i'm with close friends who i know won't care
Are you desperate to fit in?: no
Are you intelligent?: sometimes...depends
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: like in the morning? kinda
Make-up?:eyeliner and mascara..not even alot..and definatly lip-gloss
Low-cut tops?: no
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: idk..
Giggle a lot?:Yep.
Read YM ( which is now TEEN VOUGE!), Teen, Cosmo, at all?: all the time
[In the last 24 hours, have you]
Cried: nope
Bought something: no, suprisingly
Gotten sick: little things here and there, but not like a BUG
Sang: yeah
Eaten: i am right now.
Been kissed: today, chelsea with her little BOOYCHECT!
Felt stupid: TODAY
Met someone new: yesterday
Moved on: a while ago
Had a serious talk: not in a while
Missed someone:today
Hugged someone: today
Fought with your parents: today
Who is your role model: I dont think I have one
What are some of your pet peeves: when people talk with bubbles in their throat
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: Yes..alot of times
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: prolly
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: nope, i get to know any person.
Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): i probably have but i don't constantly lie :cough:
Want someone you don't have right now: no.
Ever liked your best guy friend: no
Do you want to get married: yes
Do you want kids: someday
Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: no way.
Are you happy with you: kinda.
Are you happy with your life: kinda.
If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: Personal things
Pierce your nose or tongue? um..OOW
Be serious or be funny? both
Do you have a crush? maybe
Who is it? Whos askin?