04/03/04: Maybe best day of my life. My first "enriched text" entry.

Apr 05, 2004 23:21

Been meaning to update about Saturday, and now that I have a spare minute (after a long Passover seder), I WILL!

So I had UIL District One-Act Saturday morning.  We did our show (David and Lisa), and it went really well!  Thanks so much to everyone who came!  Nana is in town, so she came, which was so great.  The slap was the best yet (partially because Mason REALLY DID slap me, but it was so, so, so super worth it).  After the show, I went home and then to get ready for Prom.

I checked my mail....dun.... dun.... I... got... in... to...  USC--  SCHOOL   OF   THEATRE!!!!  TAKE THAT, motha f***ers!!!!  I also got my NYU rejection, but I was SO f***ing excited about USC, I did not give a shit.  I just threw that out.  Oh man. So excited.  I think their theater school only accepts like 125 or something insane like that.  Holy shit.

THEN-- I went to Ulta to get my hair and make-up done.... or so I THOUGHT. (dun dun duuuuun)  As I was getting my make-up done, my mom called and was like "BECCA!  They are starting the [UIL]Awards Ceremony really early-- like NOW!!"... As I am having lipstick put on and have not even gotten my hair done yet.  So I'm like "AAAAAHH!!"  I told the make-up guy (yes, guy) that he had to stop cuz I had an emergency and had to go.  I ran to the salon to cancel my hair appt.  I'm sure they were mad, but oh well.  Totally out of my hands.  Nobody knew the awards would start SO early.  And other people in the cast called my cell too and were like "BECCAAAAAA!!! COME!!!  The Awards are starting NOW!!"  So...

...after I pay, which seems to take a century, I leave Ulta, my hair still in a mess from the show, and I HAUL ASS back to school.  I drove like a maniac.  I mean, I really sped.  SPED.  Which I don't usually do.  No joke, I get stopped at EVERY red light.  And I am totally freaking out, because I CANNOT miss the awards, when they tell us we are advancing (knock knock knock!!!) and stuff.  So I go like 60 up the Spicewood hill to get back to the theater.  Like 30 min. into the ceremony, I FINALLY pull into the theater parking lot, struggle to find a spot, and RUN LIKE HELL-- in heels-- to the theater...

...I flung the door wide open and RAN into the theater- just as I am hearing "BECCAAAAA GELLMAAAAAN!!!" over the PAC sound system.  We're talkin', the SECOND I open the door, I hear my name.  So I FLY past everyone and just DASH down the aisle, my purse and car keys in hand, and run onto the stage, and they give me a medal, which I later learn is for All Star Cast.  (HoLLa)  Everyone is going CUH-RAZY, cuz NOBODY thought I would make it- and seriously, had I been a SECOND later, I woulda missed it.  I am on stage like hysterical, in awe of what just happened.

THEN- Jacob wins Best Actor, and I go craaaaazy.  Holy shit, I may have been more excited than he.  Jumping and screaming and all that jazz.  Like crying.  It was crazy.  THEN-- drumroll pleeeeeeease... WE ADVANCE!!!!!  Now I am freakin' BAWLING.  I mean, it all just happened so fast and it was so crazy, and we are all screaming and jumping and SO excited.  I'm not sure exactly why I am crying- just so much emotional stuff in SUCH a SHORT period of time.  Oh gosh, it was insane.  Just typing this I get flustered in excitement from the whole thing.

After celebrating our advancement, I miraculously was successfull in booking a very last-minute hair appt. somewhere else.  The rest of the day/night-- compared to that-- is incomparable.  I had lots of fun at Prom, but that was just the icing on the cake of one of the greatest days of my entire life.  We compete at AREA tomorrow-- it will be QUITE a long day, but I am soooo ready.

Then last night was the Who's Who Banquet, which was SO great too.  This may have been the busiest weekend ever, and it is one I will NEVER forget.  Saturday may have been the best day of my life.

...Floating on Cloud 9...
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