Mar 30, 2009 12:27
Dear Friends and Family,
For some of you, this is old news and old hat. For some of you, it'll be new-news and old hat. And for some of you, this posting will give you the information you've been asking for!
All in one convenient place! But since I am horribly pressed for time, in the words of immortal Jack Friday, these are "nothing but the facts, ma'am".
I have a job!!!!!! And I think it's a good one!!!
As of April 1st (April Fool's Day but I don't think this is a joke), I am Managing Director of The Bravo Group's San Francisco (CA) office. From April 1 - 3, I'll be working from the Miami headquarters and then on Saturday, the 4th, I move West and start at the office there on Monday, April 6th.
What's The Bravo Group? It is the Hispanic Agency Network of multinational Young & Rubicam (Y&R)---the agency I worked for in Santo Domingo (1983-84) and San Juan (1992-2001). It was my favorite place to work and when I was laid off from Bromley last November, they contacted me almost immediately. The President came from the Puerto Rico office (prior to my joining in 1992) and the Regional Chairman for The Bravo Group and Y&R Latin America was briefly my boss when I was General Manager of the San Juan office. That means we either know one another or have 'family' references about each other. We came to an agreement in mid-February and now we are almost off and running. The San Francisco office is very small and I have to grow the business. I feel confident that even in this economy, I will be able to. The small size is compensated for by being housed amid a number of sister companies that offer different, specialized services in Marketing communications, which I think will be interesting.
Daunting is the word! We've gotten medical records, paid our taxes, hired a relocation agent to find a place that will rent to us and our five pets, gotten letters of recommendation (for us and our animals) from our current landlady, neighbors and friends, taken all pets (all elderly) to the vet to be checked out, changed magazine subscription addresses, packed one suitcase (still have to do one more for me and Luis's), packed and packing boxes to ship out there for things we'll need before household goods arrive, etc.
We've shipped a car already and it should arrive between Apr 6 - 10. Luis joins me (temporarily) on the 10th to house-hunt until he comes back to Miami on the 20th.
I have to attend a seminar in CA from Apr 26th to 30th and to do that, I have to check in to another hotel in the city (bummer) and then sometime, during the night of April 30th, I will switch contents of suitcases and fly back to Miami on a 6am flight on May 1st.
I'll stay in Miami until May 11th, finalizing things like bank accounts, more medical records, etc. for the move and working from the Miami office.
I will fly back to SF on the 11th, move out of temporary housing on the 16th and move all the boxes of things (towels, frying pan, bedsheets, air mattress, etc) to our rental home.
I will fly back to Miami on the 17th to receive the movers on the 19th. They will pack through the 21st then load our goods on a truck on the 22nd. We will move to a pet-friendly hotel that night. On the 23rd, we'll clean our home and have it inspected by the landlord then fly out, with all five animals, on the 24th of May!
Our home goods should arrive between May 31 and June 3rd. Just in time for my Brother's wedding out there!
So, you may not hear much from me over the next 8 weeks but I will update this spot from time to time!
The last move took 5 months because we had to sell a home. This is an 8 week arrangement. Sometimes, not owning a home is a good thing!
Hugs to all,
Beeg Seester
On May