i have some theories to discuss

Dec 09, 2005 23:29

theory number one. rls tine sits in his basement plotting to kill jk rowling, think of how fmaous this man was then how fast harry potter wiped him out, im convinced he has a full plan and will put into effect any day now

theory number two. i think everyone in the usa deserves one free kill, you get to detsroy someone how ever you feel neccesary for free once, think of all the evil manipulative women we could destroy

theory number three this guy i work with has the ebst pholsophy of life from 15-25 he did non stop drink drugs and other fun activities,then he knocked a girl up and quit, i think thats a good way to go through life in a haze then knock some rnadom girl up, think about it we live in the double standard, the guys repution and life will be fine, sure you ahve to have some fiancial ability and you should be responsible for your children but guess what, guys are the majority of the culture, they majority always can exploit the minority, and a revolution will not occur because the minority always views someone who is worse off then them and guess what, none the seperate groups of minorities get along they all hate each other, let them kill themselves off while the majority stays in power. That theory is based on marxs communist manifesto but he believes in minorities rising up, wake up their doomed, they will ALWAYS be exploited, where it be by race, gender, religion or sexual orientation

theory number four: the senators from Arizona might be one of the msot intelligent politians in this country, they are both republican in John Mccain and Jon Kyl, instead of coming up with god damn stupid arguemnts they both speak on pro enviroment, the value of the war on terror and other topics of interests. hopefully one runs for president then i vote republican baby

theory number five- condeliza rice is a bitch,

theory number 6 im going to get sooooooo drunk tommorow and itll be sweet, i hope to ahng out with this 23 yo goddess she has ana sshole bf, but he wont be there wish me luck!

theory number 7 monster is an overarted movie, i dont see why it was up for the awards and such

theory numnber 8 jeff daniels seems like a cool guy
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