Sep 04, 2003 17:37
You know what that means. SNACKTIME!! As if it really ever ends, LOL!
However, with the beginning of Football season upon us, it is definitely time to bulk up on snacking reinforcements. I have the usual suspects; pretzels, chips, dip, popcorn, pizza rolls, bagel bites, and chicken wings, but each year I like to "pump things up" a bit with new additions to my lineup.
This year I have gone 2 routes. I have added some already existing snacks and a couple I made up myself.
First, I'd like to welcome Honey Glazed Chex Mix and Hershey's Pudding in a tube to the fold. I'm sure they will enhance my Sunday snacking experience.
Now for what I am really excited about: MY creations or "create a players" to put it in Football terms. First up, I have taken Ding Dongs to the next level. It's actually quite simple. You take 2 Ding Dongs and make a sandwich using them as the "bread" and Marshmallow Fluff as the "meat". CREAM FILLING TO THE EXTREME!!! LOL! Next up, we have an invention that is sure to "beef up" your gametime snacking. First grill up or bake a couple of sirloin steaks. Next, prepare one or two decent size pork chops. Make a "Meatwich" with the pork chops in the middle and place on a plate. Smother in beef gravy and enjoy! You can also top it with some Swedish Meatballs if you want to go for the "gourmet" effect.
My "juices" are flowing justing typing about it, LOL!
Well, see you on the gridiron and the grill!!