Nov 03, 2010 23:25
its a bit mad
this time last week.. or maybe 2 weeks ago ..i was absolutely positive beyond any doubt that i DEFFINITELY wanted to work in theatre etc etc
now i dont want to at all
i want to be a social worker
i think its a bit of a selfish thing to want to go into theatre
well it wasnt a selfish thing, it was the only way i could see as making a possitive difference to people using skills i have
now ive realised that its far too long a process and deffinitely not a big difference to anyone
there are so many people who need help instantly
and there are better ways to do it
and its obvious to think "what have i got to offer?" but EVERYONE has something to offer.. some people just need someone to talk to or someone to be there or anything.. that's something anyone can offer
people need someone to be positive
everyone deserves a chance to make their lives what they want them to be.. and i would really quite like to help :(
i'm thinking of doing a social work masters
but i think i'm going to volunteer somewhere first..
i'm a bit meh lately.. i cant seem to concentrate on anything..
i have shit loads of uni work and just dunno where to start or what to do and i literally can't focus on just doing ANYTHING
everythings a bit shit is all
i'm sure it'll be fine soon