Nov 15, 2009 19:05
ahh i had an absolutely excellent tutorial the other day mind ^_^
it made me feel so happy
it was so weird cause like... normally im scared of lecturers
like i used to hide my parents evening letters in college cause i knew id get a bollocking off both parents and lecturers
so i automatically feel wary about tutorial thingys
but he got my marks up off last year
n was like
zomg yur lyk CLASS
n i was like AYE.
n he was talking to me like i wasnt a waste of space :D
n being propper mint like
like propper mint
he doesnt think im a knob :D
im so so so so so unbelievably happy lmao
weeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_^
i hope i can get decent marks this year like o_0 daint wana gan doon hill
that would be terrid
thats all :D i just wanted to boast a bit lmao