That was fantastic!!!!!
I thought it was brilliant!
I'll be honest, TDH isn't my favourite book and I thought there was a lot of filler in it but the movie gets to the points and it all flows really, really well.
The multiple-Harry scene was so funny and I loved when Fleur said, "Don't look at me Bill. I'm hideous." I lol'd so much.
I really liked the travelling scenes and the fight scenes were fantastic! I loved the fight in the cafe.
I also adored the Harry & Hermione BFF scenes. They're one of my favourite guy/girl friendships and the dancing scene was really cute. And the Ron/Hermione was brilliant. ♥ them! I think the piano scene was the best. The way he looked at her was gorgeous and after Ron came back and and and ♥ ♥ ♥
Infiltrating the Ministry was awesome as well!!! The three of them polyjucied was great. And I loved when Harry was all; "That's a lie. Dolores. You mustn't tell lies." Hell Yeah!!!!
I can't wait for Part 2, I bet it's going to be as kick-ass as Part 1.
Also; There was a trailer for Megamind before the movie and I nearly hurt myself laughing. I need to see this movie!