Ugh, this changing careers thing is hard. Spent 3 hours in a staff meeting/training session tonight. And I'm working my first shift next Wednesday and then spending all day Thursday training. Well, at least it's work!
I don't know if I'm going to finish my SPN rewatch by Saturday. I've only watched 2 eps, maybe I'll make it but I don't think I will =( but on the bright side; SEASON 6!!!
Just a few random thoughts on the first ep;
OMC! Lea looks so freaking amazing with the new hair style. Totally gorgeous.
Brittany!! "I spent all Summer lost in the sewers." *loves her*
I didn't mind Finn's rapping for the New York number. Artie's still better though.
Btw, Mike Chang's abs. Let's take a moment to reflect on them.
Lol! Finn trying to be a Cheerio. "My eyes are still burning."
And dude! Quinn and Santana's punch-on was epic!