Owen close to shock Man Utd move ![](http://pics.livejournal.com/beeesh_uh/pic/0007qgr6/s320x240)
But I actually find it logical haha. Could Sir Alex have hit the jackpot once again?
Moving on,
Weirdly, I found them one of the most difficult exams i'd ever sat for.
Maybe it was the last-minuteness of it coupled with my sleeping problems, but I really didn't feel I was up for it. So a lot of self-motivation had to be squeezed out of me. And I'm glad I managed to pull through happier than I thought I would be. Not pinning my hopes too high though.
So I bought new Adidas running shoes! And a jacket hoodie shirt thingy from Robinsons' Sale. All from expo where I went with SitiSarahDaud, MaryamSakeenahMahmoodShah and NadiahBohari(bo) in between ML listening compre and Literature! They are always awesome to hang out with and are much loved. Missing SyahirahMohdNoh and AbdulHamidRoslan. Hope to hanglepakrelaxslack soon!
And FionaLim and YuinTheng ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR EXAMS. Gambatte~ woot.
Ok I ran out of things to say and just wanted to express how I appreciate those ppl haha.
I shall pamper and entertain myself MORE today.