May 16, 2013 22:44
Dear Arrow: Holy shit!
Also - so this season's Doctor Who DVDs have been released in the UK, including episodes that haven't aired yet? So WHERE IS IT? *looks at all of you*
I MUST see Star Trek this weekend. Unfortunately I have plans both days, so I don't know where I'm going to work it in. My life. So hard.
In other news, work has been kicking my ass. Luckily I'm at the end of our busiest time of year, and I have some vacation time coming. I needs it bad.
And a personal epiphany! I used to spend a lot of time with the Food Network. It made me hungry. I decided that had to go, so for the last couple of months I've been filling my head with the Home and Garden Chanel. Now instead of eating I'm spending all my time cleaning, tossing, organizing and painting. :)