So. Let's talk about Supernatural and why beeej has lost her squee for the Winchester boys.
When SPN first started, it was fun. It was like a mini horror movie every week, with two cute guys in a hot car tracking down and fighting ghosts and monsters. The premiere gave me hope that they were going to be a bit more...oh, I don't know...rational? (I know! What was I thinking?) about such things as demons and pagan gods, etc. Sam did that nice debunking of the old "pentagram = evol" thing, and I hoped that the show would continue down that path of shedding some light on common misconceptions. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
I think I've traced the moment my squee for SPN completely up and left me. It was last season's Christmas episode. Which, yes, was fun and enjoyable Sam and Dean interaction, but the whole "evil Pagan gods will eat you" theme was pretty annoying. I was disappointed that they had to go there, and without even really thinking about it much, I stopped watching. The TiVo keeps recording it, and every now and then I look at the list of episodes sitting there, but I just end up deleting them. And I haven't missed it.
I am keeping up with the major plotlines, though. I had watched it from the beginning, and I'm curious as to how it's going to play out, so I read the recaps at TWOP, and I read what a lot of you have to say. I haven't heard anything yet that makes me want to tune back in. So there are angels on the show now? And Dean is actually working for God? Seriously? Has the fun little show about hot ghost hunters with the awesome soundtrack really devolved into a show about religion and the book of Revelation? Because, wow. Where's the fun in that? For someone who has come to believe that Revelation is basically a lot of stuff that's designed to scare people into being good Christians, that's just not the kind of thing I'm interested in seeing. I know, it's just a show, and I probably shouldn't be taking it so seriously, but it just annoys me to see it heading down this path, and the annoyance level finally got too big for me.
I realize that I'm in the minority here, and lots of you are perfectly happy with the way SPN is going. And that's fine. I don't want to harsh anyone's squee. I'm just not finding anything compelling enough to get me to watch it again.