glee fic: i lose control (when i hear your body move) (1/1)

Feb 18, 2011 13:01

Title: I lose control (when I hear your body move) (1/1)
Characters/Pairing: Blaine, Blaine/Rachel/Finn
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 2x13 + Spoilers for ‘Blame it on the Alcohol’
Summary: It starts off with a kiss.

It starts off with a kiss.

He is sitting next to Kurt and the next thing he knows, she grabs him by the clasps of his shirt, pulling him to her. His lips touch hers, and she kisses him hard, her tongue slipping past his lips and curling around his. She tastes like raspberries with a hint of vodka and then suddenly it’s over before he knows it. He feels Kurt’s arm on his, pushing him away slightly. He’s drunk, he knows that much. His head is slightly fuzzy, and he isn’t sure if it’s because of the peach schnapps he just shot or because Rachel Berry just kissed him in a way he has never been kissed before.

He can’t stop staring at her and her face is flushed slightly. She brings her lips back up to her cup and she downs the last of it.

Her eyes meet his and she smiles, her fingers grasping her cup.

He isn’t sure what he feels right now.


It’s the next day, and she must have got his number off Kurt, because he gets this message:

Hey, sorry about last night.
I’m paying for it today, don’t you worry :)
Hope you aren’t feeling too terrible!
- R

He can’t explain the feeling in his stomach as he stares down at the message. He hits reply.

Don’t be sorry. You did nothing wrong.
We should do coffee soon.
- B

He barely has time for it to hit that he probably shouldn’t have sent that before she replies back.

You mean like with Kurt and Mercedes?
- R

His reply is instant.

No, just you and me.
- B

He can’t help the smile that appears on his lips while his fingers graze over the keypad to the response, Okay :)


“I think I really like her, Kurt,” he says, staring down at his medium drip while Kurt stares at him, his eyes wide. He knows what he is going to say, and he almost wishes he hadn’t brought it up.

“Blaine…” Kurt begins, putting down his mocha. He is interrupted almost instantly.

“You’re right, I’m sorry for bringing it up. I know you still have feelings -“

“This isn’t about me,” Kurt begins, staring at him. “This is about you.”

Before he can open his mouth, Kurt cuts him off. “Here’s the thing about Rachel - it’s always going to be Finn, Blaine.”

He doesn’t reply, but takes another sip of his coffee. He almost takes it as a challenge, but he holds back. Kurt doesn’t know. Hell, he doesn’t even know.

He nods, and smiles gently. But he doesn’t mean it.


She kisses differently than he thought she would. Granted, the first time they kissed they were both intoxicated, but still. She places her hand on his shoulder, or his neck, and she kisses him deeply and he finds himself falling for her every time. Like when she curls her leg over his waist and he grips her waist, kissing to bottom of her lip as her hand moves to his chest.

He can’t get what Kurt says out of his head.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” He asks after, when she is sitting on the edge of her bed, tying her messy hair up in a ponytail.

“Sure,” she replies, turning her head to him.

He knows this is probably off limits, but he can’t help himself. “What happened with you and Finn? Like are you still … I don’t know … do you still love him?”

He watches her expression. She stares at him for a moment, but he can see her freeze. She brushes it off, and smiles, climbing over the bed and brushing her lips over his.

She tells him of course not. Don’t worry. I’m kissing you, aren’t I? A repetition of phrases that are supposed to give him confidence. In her. In him. In them.

But he leaves her place feeling worse than he did before.


There is another party.

It’s at her place again, and reminds him of the last time, except last time he wasn’t kind-of-dating her. And this time, he isn’t drunk.

Which is why he can hear the conversation plain and simple from outside the door. He walks past the laundry, coming back from getting a drink when he hears her voice.

“What do you want from me?”

“I don’t want anything, Rachel, and you don’t want anything either, you’ve made that clear…”

“Don’t you fucking put that on me!”

His stomach drops when he hears whose voice is accompanying hers. He hears the hiss in her voice, and the growl in his and he can barely stomach it before he keeps walking.

He knows she is lying to him. And he wants to prove a point.

He has had three shots by the time she makes her way back into the basement, and Finn follows her a short moment after. He waits for him to sit before he walks straight up to Rachel, curls his hand in her hair and pulls her to him, crushing his lips on hers. His hand goes to his waist and he is kissing her, kissing her and she is kissing him back and he ignores the wolf whistles and the cat-calls, because he is winning.

Her eyes are glazed when they break away and she smiles at him gently, her hand gripping his shirt.

He sneaks a look at Finn. The smirk he shoots him is incredibly satisfying.


It’s Regional’s and he kisses her on the cheek, wishing her good luck as she prepares to go onstage. She smiles, and kisses him quickly before disappearing.

She sings and she makes her entrance from the back and the song she wrote is perfect. It’s beautiful and amazing and powerful, just like her, and she spins around in the middle of the aisle, as his voice chimes in.

And suddenly he realises. Because she is singing, and he is singing and the song is perfect but so are they. She sings to him, and her face is lit up in a way that he has never seen before. She is smiling, really truly smiling and he can’t remember a time when she ever smiled for him like that. He got to kiss her, and he got to hold her, but he never got to do this with her.

What Kurt said finally makes sense, and he swallows thickly, his ears ringing as they reach the stage and all of New Directions start singing their anthem, Rachel Berry’s anthem, and he realises hard and fast that they were going to lose. He was going to lose.

She walks up to him after they win, after they leave the stage, after the squealing stops. He sees the etching of a smile on her face and she reaches out to him. He hugs her and kisses her on the cheek.

And then his lips graze her ear.

“I never stood a chance.”

She stares at him, her mouth open slightly and he squeezes her hand before he walks away. And he smiles. Because it’s okay.

He’ll be okay.

Kurt’s hand grazes his a short time after and he knows that he’ll be okay.


glee fic, fanfics

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