So I finally got around to doing some housekeeping around here. I've answered most, if not all, of the comments in the last two threads. The
Commentarius page here has finally been put up-to-date (perhaps even with something a bit extra... *wink*), and I finally got around to composing something I desperately needed, a
masterlist of all my stories
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Go on. Any time you're ready. ;)
My msn name is Sarah, basically, and my email address is I think the last time we actually talked must have been over a year ago; I added you as a nerdy superfan intent on squeeing over your excellently written, so-perfect-it's-like-a-punch-to-the-stomach James and probably scared you senseless.
I do remember our conversations! And really, do you think I'm the sort to scare senseless? I'm that sort that scares senseless, not the other way around. And now that we're all officially introduced, I expect many-a-more conversations where I will go, "Hullo, Sarah!" and you will go, "Hullo, Bee!" and we will bitch about life and declare the world an empty place without James Potter in it. Sound good?
Oh definitely! I adore bitching about life, especially on days like today (yesterday) when I have been dealing with horrid customers and geriatric perverts all day and am in the mood to vent. Also! We're on opposing teams for the fest! Excitement!!!
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