Jun 25, 2005 01:52
TOday was a very crazy day i went to the fair with my sister n her friend shannon n her boy friend blair. It was fun then their was a hug ass fight. It was a rasise fight that was gay. white cops where betting up black focks that is wrong. then the black peps started betting up the cops that was funny. then we went to her aunts house at like 12:00am it was fun until her dog ataced my leg i got scared. Thjen blair had to leave then 15 mins later we had left they droped me off then my sis went to spend the night at her friends shanonns house the tierra called me cuz i was hanging out with her a the fair to kinda. Then we had talk then i went n made food n now i am her typing this for u people to read now im going to go peace out sucka!!!!!!!!!!!!!