Jul 04, 2007 16:06
Title: Unaffected
Author: Me
Pairing: Zacky/Matt
Rating: PG- angst
Summary: Angstyness
Disclaimer: Not ture.
“Zee, Please….”
“No, why should I?” he sighs.
“I am sorry ok? Please Zee Zee….” Trying his best: sweet voice but it doesn’t work, not now.
“No! Why should I forgive you? And anyway Syn wants to have sex!” With that the phone was slammed down.
“Was that really necessary Zacky?” Syn was standing in the door way of his own living room he’d been listen to Zacky on the phone.
“I don’t care; he thinks were doing it anyway.” Zacky smiles but it fades quickly.
“But you love him.” Syn points out.
“How I am suppose to when all he does it accuse me of cheating on him?” Zacky’s sad eyes look up at Syn; who shrugs sitting down to put an arm around his best friend.
“I don’t understand what I am suppose to do….” His voice is cut off by a loud knocking… well more of a banging down the door type of knock.
“Now who do you think that is?” Syn raises and eye brow to Zacky getting up to answer the door. He flings the door open to be greeted by a very red and angry Matt.
“Where is he?!”
“In my bedroom tied to the bed?” Syn more of asks than says, he steps out the way pointing to the living room. To which Matt goes.
“If you want this to be over then just say so!” Matt’s voice has calmed a little upon seeing a very unhappy Zacky looking small and lost in Syn’s over size creamy sofa.
“If I DID I would have, but at any point did I say I wanted it to be over?”
There was a silence where Matt shifted from one foot to the next.
“Sorry Matt did you say something?” Zacky almost from nowhere gets the strength and stands up “No! I didn’t fucking think so because what have I ever done but be an honest and good boyfriend to you! AND all you do is accuse me of is having sex with Syn! He is fucking straight for fuck sake!”
Silence again.
“I love you….” Zacky whispers “…I think.” He looks down at his shoes; wondering the same thing as Matt ‘did I just say that…’
There’s a long time when everyone in the room just stares at something else Zacky’s eyes finally look up from his shoes at Matt who is watching his fingers twiddle with his ring on his right hand third finger; the same one Zacky has with the same ‘forever’ etched on to it.
Sliding it off his finger he places it on the coffee table in front of him looking in to Zacky’s piercing green eyes,
“Give me a shout when you do know Zee Zee.” He almost chokes on his words; then walks out the door glaring at Syn on the way.
Zacky stares at the ring then back at the empty space that Matt stood in, before falling down on to the sofa and letting out a small sob; wishing that Matt didn’t have this effect on him.