English GCSE exam (Welsh Board WJEC)

Jun 09, 2010 16:40

Ok so Tuesday morning I sat the first of 2 English exams for GCSE English language. Section A is a complicated comprehension section with 4 15min questions based on a non-fiction text. The text for this exam was about a man (Paul) who had gotten lost driving around the Edinburgh fringe festival. Ok fair enough we have had weirder texts. At some point in the story he brakes hard to avoid hitting a pedestrian and the back of his car is hit by a Honda. The Honda driver gets out and is your typical macho it's your fault because I am bigger than you type. The honda driver hits Paul around the head sending him to the floor. No one from the crowd responds to help except an elderly gentleman (Martin) who throws his laptop at the Honda driver to distract him and help Paul.

Now you are probably wondering why I Bother to post about this. Well a couple of hours after the exam a group appeared on facebook.
"What was Martin thinking? I would never throw my laptop to help someone."

After the exam this made me laugh so hard I nearly cried.

wjec, english

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