Day 3 - Drugs and alcohol

Feb 25, 2011 22:36

Everything I read about the subject says that most of the currently illegal drugs are more dangerous than they need to be because of their illegality. Also if legal, the government can use it as a source of income rather than a huge drain on recources.
I have never taken any drugs outside of medical, caffeine and alcohol, but that is because I don't personally want to. I consider it to be a person's personal responsibility what they do with their own bodies. Some people do not have the level of personal responsibility to practice appropriate moderation while drinking alcohol. This is not an argument for banning alcohol. By the same logic, "it might be bad for you" is not a good argument for banning any other drug.
If we want to win hearts and minds in Afghanistan and take away support for the Taliban and other possibly less charming groups, we could buy the poppies from the farmers ourselves rather than forcing them to destroy their most easily profitable crops. Likewise withut illegal drugs, organised crime in our own country loses a very large income stream.
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