Oct 08, 2010 02:59
Might be drunk but fuck it. I am having a fun night, alone. I cannot wait to be alive again, I hope that will come soon, I am having more fun alone than I have in a while. I hope to write a book soon and I hope that book is successful, which honestly I think it will be. I don't doubt my capabilities and I don't doubt my imagination. I have always thought my imagination superior to those around me, not sure why, but it might be because I can have conversations in my head and figure out your reactions before you do. I know people and I know myself, I also have this thought process that is incredibly complex. I love thinking of new and different ideas and writing them down, some have found this confusing.. maybe it's because your mind cannot comprehend these things or because I am so different that it cannot be understood quite yet, who knows. I hope one day I will be understood, for now though, I will be here misunderstood and sitting quietly until someone makes me feel like I am not a freak in the world. gotta go bye.